The already 120-year old history of the factory is marked by the following milestones:

In 1894, the site of today’s factory in Veliko Tarnovo was occupied by a big (by then standards) workshop for dyeing textile materials and making kerchiefs.

On 22 March 1914 was opened a factory called “Zlati Zlatev & Sons” and started production of yellow felt for the cavalry packsaddles, grey felt for insulation of shell cases and “valenki” (felt boots for low temperatures) for the army. In the 1920s, the factory produced Bulgaria’s first felt hats, men’s hats and felts for military applications.

After World War Two, the factory made its first attempts at producing fine gasket felt, rough and fine polishing wheels for the engineering industry, felt berets and caps. During this period, the factory was nationalized.

The highlight of the entire period (1973 – 1977) was the introduction of nonwovens based on needlepunching. The next years were marked by modernization of machinery, structural improvement of the company and development of a range of new articles for industrial and household uses.

In 1989, the company was re-incorporated as a sole joint-stock company with 100 % Bulgarian state ownership and a new name – Arbanassi PLC.

In 1997 – 98, the company was completely privatized.

1998 - over 20 years ARBANASSI Plc is a private company working in market - depending economic conditions following the customer’s needs.